






Well, I will stay quite brief compared with Director Yang.


Secretary Blinken, NSA Sullivan, you have been involved in the relationship with China for many years, so you’re also true friends for the Chinese people.


And I would say that I am pleased to meet you today, and China — the Chinese delegation — is here at the invitation of the United States.


And as NSA Sullivan said, Anchorage is the midpoint of the air route connecting our two countries, and it is fair to say that this place is a refueling station for China-U.S. exchanges and also a place that China and the United States can meet each other halfway.


And China certainly in the past has not and in the future will not accept the unwarranted accusations from the U.S. side.


In the past several years, China’s legitimate rights and interests have come under outright suppression, plunging the China-U.S. relationship into a period of unprecedented difficulty.


This has damaged the interests of our two peoples and taken its toll on world stability and development, and this situation must no longer continue.


China urges the U.S. side to fully abandon the hegemonic practice of willfully interfering in China’s internal affairs.


This has been a longstanding issue, and it should be changed.


It is time for it to change.

And in particular, on the 17th of March, the United States escalated its so-called sanctions on China regarding Hong Kong, and the Chinese people are outraged by this gross interference in China’s internal affairs and the Chinese side is firmly opposed to it.


Anchorage is a midpoint between China and the United States, but after all, it’s still the United States territory, and I accept that the Chinese delegation has come here at the invitation of the United States.


However, just the other day, before our departure, the United States passed these new sanctions.


This is not supposed to be the way one should welcome his guests, and we wonder if this is a decision made by the United States to try to gain some advantage in dealing with China, but certainly this is miscalculated and only reflects the vulnerability and weakness inside the United States.

(これはゲストを歓迎する方法とはとても思えない。またこれはアメリカが中国に対処するのに何らかの有利な点を得るための決断だと思っている。だが、これは明らかに計算ミスで  あり、アメリカ内部の脆弱性と弱さを映すものです)

And this will not shake China’s position or resolve on those issues.


And let me also say that the phone conversation that President Xi Jinping and President Biden had on the eve of the Chinese New Year is a very important one, and during this phone conversation they agreed to some common understandings that have pointed the way forward for us to bring back the China-U.S. relationship onto the right track.


And the international community is following very closely our dialogue for today and tomorrow.


They’re watching whether our two sides will each demonstrate goodwill and sincerity, and they are watching whether this dialogue will send out a positive signal to the world.


So we will be watching what will happen today and tomorrow, and if United States is willing, I think our two sides should step up to this responsibility and deliver on this task that we are given.

(我々は今日明日に起きることを見て、もしアメリカが望むなら、両国がこの責任を果たし、 我々に与えられたタスクを遂行すべきだと思います)

I will stop here. Thank you.






Thank you very much.

Mr. Director, State Councilor, given your extended remarks, permit me, please, to add just a few of my own before we get down to work, and I know Mr. Sullivan may have things to say as well.


I have to tell you, in my short time as secretary of state, I have spoken to, I think, nearly a hundred counterparts from around the world, and I just made my first trip, as I noted, to Japan and South Korea.


I have to tell you, what I’m hearing is very different from what you described.


I’m hearing deep satisfaction that the United States is back, that we’re reengaged with our allies and partners.


I’m also hearing deep concern about some of the actions your government has taken, and we’ll have an opportunity to discuss those when we get down to work.


A hallmark of our leadership, of our engagement in the world, is our alliances and our partnerships that have been built on a totally voluntary basis.


And it is something that President Biden is committed to reinvigorating.


And there’s one more hallmark of our leadership here at home, and that’s a constant quest to, as we say, form a more perfect union.


And that quest, by definition, acknowledges our imperfections, acknowledges that we’re not perfect.


We make mistakes, we have reversals, we take steps back.


But what we’ve done throughout our history is to confront those challenges openly, publicly, transparently, not trying to ignore them, not trying to pretend they don’t exist, not trying to sweep them under a rug.


And sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it’s ugly, but each and every time, we have come out stronger, better, more united as a country.


I recall well when President Biden was vice president and we were visiting China.


This was in the wake of the financial crisis.


There was much discussion then, including with then-Vice President Xi Jinping.


And Vice President Biden at the time said it’s never a good bet to bet against America, and it’s true today.





Just briefly, to add to what Secretary Blinken has said — because I was actually going to make the same point without us even consulting — a confident country is able to look hard at its own shortcomings and constantly seek to improve.


And that is the secret sauce of America.


The other secret sauce of America is that our people are a problem-solving people, and we believe we solve problems best when we work together with allies and partners around the world.


Just a couple of weeks ago, the United States landed another rover on Mars, and it wasn’t just an American project.


It had technology from multiple countries from Europe and other parts of the world.


It is also going to leave behind a collection of material [from] Mars that the United States and Europe will build a device that can fly there to pick it up and bring it back.


That is what can be accomplished by a country that is constantly reinventing itself, working closely with others and seeking constantly to produce the kind of progress that benefits all of us, and is rooted in a concept of human dignity and human rights that is truly universal that every man, woman and child in this world aspires to.


So we will look forward to the conversation today, but I do hope this conversation will be one carried out with confidence on both sides.


So it’s not lectures or long, winding statements; it’s the opportunity for us to explain where we’re coming from, to hear where you are coming from and to indicate, at bottom, what our principles, our priorities and our long-term strategies are.


That’s what we hope for in the dialogue that lies ahead, that is the spirit with which we approach this, and we look forward to continuing the discussion today.


Thank you, everybody.



Well, it was my bad.


When I entered this room, I should have reminded the U.S. side of paying attention to its tone in our respective opening remarks, but I didn’t.


The Chinese side felt compelled to make this speech because of the tone of the U.S. side.


Well, isn’t this the intention of the United States — judging from what, or the way that you have made your opening remarks — that it wants to speak to China in a condescending way from a position of strength?


So was this carefully all planned and was it carefully orchestrated with all the preparations in place? Is that the way that you had hoped to conduct this dialogue?


Well, I think we thought too well of the United States.


We thought that the U.S. side will follow the necessary diplomatic protocols.


So for China it was necessary that we made our position clear.


So let me say here that, in front of the Chinese side, the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.


The U.S. side was not even qualified to say such things even 20 years or 30 years back, because this is not the way to deal with the Chinese people.


If the United States wants to deal properly with the Chinese side, then let’s follow the necessary protocols and do things the right way.


Cooperation benefits both sides.


In particular, this is the expectation of the people of the world.


Well, the American people are certainly a great people, but so are the Chinese people.


So have the Chinese people not suffered enough in the past from the foreign countries?


Well, at times I have not been sure since China started being encircled by the foreign countries.


Well, as long as China’s system is right with the wisdom of the Chinese people, there is no way to strangle China.


Our history will show that one can only cause damages to himself if he wants to strangle or suppress the Chinese people.


While the United States has talked about its cooperation to land on some other planet with the European side, well, China would welcome it if there is a will to carry out similar cooperation from the United States with us.


I’ll stop here. Would the state councilor wish to add?



Secretary Blinken and NSA Sullivan, you mentioned that during your engagements and the visit that Mr. Secretary had just recently, the two countries you visited mentioned coercion from China.


We don’t know if this is a direct complaint coming from those countries that you visited, or is it just the United States’ own view?


Well, I think for those relationships, it brings in China’s relationship with the United States, with Japan and with Australia.


I don’t think we could know from all being together, because for all of those instances, they each have their own set of issues and different positions are involved.


So to accuse China of coercion even before sharing the relevant views with China, is this the right act to do? Of course not.


If the United States would indiscriminately protest and speak up for those countries just because they are your allies or partners, we believe for the long term (inaudible), then it will be very difficult for international relations to develop properly.


So we don’t think one should be so testy as to accuse some other country of coercion.


Who is coercing whom?


I think history and the international community will come to their own conclusions.


But if the United States is interested in having those discussions with China, then we are ready to have those discussions with the U.S. side, but based on mutual respect so that we can increase our mutual understanding on those issues.















take a toll:大きな打撃を与える
















each and every time:毎回


in the wake of:きっかけに



aspires to:熱望する





qualification:資格 qualify:verb






